Sửa lỗi Syncing Problems on Windows 10 cho CHIA network

Mấy lỗi Syncing cho anh em thử
The Chia network is developed by Bram Cohen, the inventor of BitTorrent. As such, the Chia Client uses a peer-to-peer network to download the blockchain. Recently however, there has been an explosion of new people wanting to farm Chia. This means that the synchronization times of the blockchain is going through the roof. We’re talking hours here. To help mitigate this, there are a few things you can do to ensure that you have no roadblocks in the way.
I will be a bit high-level on this subject because there are so many configurations out there that I can’t possibly cover them all. Hopefully this will point you in the right direction. If you are having synchronization issues, perform the following:
Windows Firewall – Make sure that the chia client is allowed through the firewall. A no brainer, but doesn’t hurt to check.
Router update – Install the latest update to your router. This isn’t required, but it has helped some people fix their sync issue.
UPNP errors – Check the Chia Client log and make sure you don’t have any UPNP errors. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, follow this and come back. Just search the log for “UPNP”. If you do have UPNP errors, this means your router does not have it enabled (which is good security-wise) but bad for the Chia Client. Essentially, only you can connect out to peers but no one can connect to you. Plus you will be limited to 10 peers instead of 50. To fix this, and keep UPNP disabled on the router, you must Forward port 8444 in your router. Then you must change the config file to disable UPNP by changing the following value:
enable_upnp = false
Restart the Chia Client when this is complete.
4. Timezone Settings – Make sure that your time is correct. On Windows, if you have “Set Time Zone Automatically” selected, it may cause sync issues due to incorrect time. Turn off “Automatic Timezone” but keep “Automatic Time”. Manually Select your Timezone to the correct one. Then Synchronize the time with the Windows Time Server.
5. Router on Router? – Some people have a modem/router combo from their ISP for their internet service. Then, they piggy back their own router off this one. If this is you, remember that if you forward port 8444 on your router you also have to forward it on the ISP modem/router.
6. Port Check – Once port 8444 has been forwarded, you need to check if the port is actually open from the outside. Go to this website and enter port 8444 to check. It should fill out your Public IP address automatically: https://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/
Edit: Thank you to Anees in the comment section for making me realize I was missing step 6.
7. Add A Chia Introducer – This is a Last Resort. If you are still having sync issues and not connecting to peers, add one of the following IP address in your Chia Client. These are listed on the Chia Teams GitHub page. Don’t add all of them (Thanks willphule!) Just click the “Connect to other Peers” button in the Chia Client and add the IP/port:
North Asia: introducer-apne.chia.net:8444
South Asia: introducer-apse.chia.net:8444
Western North America: introducer-or.chia.net:8444
Eastern North America: introducer-va.chia.net:8444
Europe: introducer-eu.chia.net:8444
These are the things you can do and check to ensure that there are no roadblocks preventing the syncing of the block chain. As I come across more solutions, I will add them to this page.
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